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alcedo PSV s.r.o.
U Nádraží 1098/II
Jindrichuv Hradec
377 01
Water is an uncontrolled element, Quality waterproofing only craftsmanship...

tel.: 384 32 46 46
fax: 384 32 46 47
info@ alcedo-psv.cz

IČ: 63887185
VAT: CZ63887185
OR: KS Č. Budějovice
odd.C, vl.5568

Quality system

    active criteria for assessment of the quality of our work are defined by the client. A client is anyone who benefits from our quality achievements. Client’s opinion of our products and services is our priority.

    labor quality of is number one criterion when evaluating our workers’ performance.

    common objective of all participants is to do every task and activity with awareness of the importance of zero error occurrence, error prevention, and elimination of quality problems so that no corrective measures need be taken.

    effective corporate management is prerequisite to continuous improvement of all the commercial services and assistance we provide to our clients.

    due diligence quality of our work depends also on the quality of the products, materials, machines, and services we purchase. Thus, good partnership relations with all our external suppliers and their involvement and support in the endeavor to better the quality of our products and services are crucial for our success.

    objective quality of the commercial services and activities we conduct will be evaluated on a current basis, as it is an objective indicator of our accomplishments.

indřichův Hradec, June 1, 2004